The Importance of the Digital Product Experience When It Comes to Marketing

Every day it seems like there are a plethora of digital products launched. As the world of digital products continuously grows, so does the competition between the product creators. If you enjoy a challenge, you should see this as a great marketing opportunity. Quality marketing can stand out above competitors and bring more users to … Read more

Time-saving Proofreading Techniques for Freelance Writers

Proofreading techniques are one of those skills that you’re going to have to get used to if you’re thinking about embarked on a career as a freelancer. Working solo can be a liberating experience, but it also means that there’s no one else there to correct your mistakes. To ensure that you don’t have to … Read more

The most important business writing skills for freelancers to improve today

What do graphic designers, web developers, writers, management consultants, accountants, and others have in common? First, many of them lend their skills to others as freelancers in their respective fields. In addition to this, they do much of their communication via writing. Because the self-employed often complete their freelance work remotely, they rely on emails … Read more

10 Best Tools and Apps for Freelance Writers

The thing about freelance writing is that most of the time you have only yourself to count on. There is no office with a dozen other employees to whom you can run to when you encounter a problem. Thankfully, technology has given us something else besides an easier way to hunt writing jobs. It has … Read more

Freelance job trends

The new year always brings some exciting new developments in the freelance job market with it. Sometimes it’s tax cuts, news about internships, other times tax increases. New tech impacts the business world, and perhaps new freelance job opportunities have arisen?  Whatever the case, freelance job seekers have to try and stay in the know … Read more

8 Business Branding Trends Freelance Consultants

Marketing trends keep changing every year, so the way you do company branding today will become obsolete next year. You should always start working ahead and catch up with the new trends to beat your competitors. Creating business leads does not just depend on your marketing frequency but it mostly depends on what you market. … Read more

Best CRM for freelancers

We’ve scoured the CRM landscape to find the best CRM suppliers for freelancers in 2020, and below will explain everything you need to know to pick the one that’s right for you. Each system is cloud-based (so you can access them from any device, anywhere), and offer a free trial (letting you try before you … Read more

10 Free Project Management Applications for Self-Employed Freelancers

Are you just a freelancer? Chances are, the answer to that question, is no. Think about it – you are a freelance business owner and as such, you fulfil many different roles: You are a marketing expert You are an accountant, You are a supervisor. You play some extremely vital parts to run and successfully sustain your … Read more

How to pitch your tech startup to journalists and media

Robert Scoble has posted a great answer to a question on Quora: "What is the etiquette to contact a tech journalist about your startup?" You should contact a tech journalist only AFTER you do this: Know and follow at least 50 (I have a list of 600+ tech journalists on Twitter at Tech News People). … Read more