Impostor Syndrome: Why Beginner Freelancers Are Afraid to Write on Professional Topics

As a freelancer, you have to fight for your position in the industry. Besides a little luck, persistence is one of the key traits you need to succeed. However, most freelancers can feel out of place when they decide to take a venture in the freelance world. You’ve probably had a thought cross your mind … Read more

How to write project briefs for freelancers: 6 things to consider

Freelancers can be a very powerful workforce. When you decide to work with a freelancer, you get to choose the best of the best. However, without specific points on what are the obligations of the freelancers during your cooperation, the process can get complicated. Make your projects less tiring and plan your project ahead of … Read more

10 Best Tools and Apps for Freelance Writers

The thing about freelance writing is that most of the time you have only yourself to count on. There is no office with a dozen other employees to whom you can run to when you encounter a problem. Thankfully, technology has given us something else besides an easier way to hunt writing jobs. It has … Read more