Do doctors live healthier lives?

“The question for me is how to live well inside our short, breakable lives.” Sam Guglani, oncologist There is this idea that doctors live healthier lives because of what we know and encounter through medicine – but I’m not sure this is true, or even what the measure of it is. As an oncologist, it might … Read more

The Last Question by Isaac Asimov

The last question was asked for the first time, half in jest, on May 21, 2061, at a time when humanity first  stepped into the light. The question came about as a result of a five dollar bet over highballs, and it  happened this way:  Alexander Adell and Bertram Lupov were two of the faithful … Read more

How to overcome procrastination driven by anxiety

This model for overcoming procrastination driven by anxiety illustrates some of the emotional and behavioural “knots” underlying some forms of procrastination. Solutions for anxiety-driven procrastination The dominant loop here is the cycle of anxiety and overwhelm.  Anxiety is difficult to address directly. Thus, we have to look elsewhere for leverage points in this system. I … Read more

Impostor Syndrome: Why Beginner Freelancers Are Afraid to Write on Professional Topics

As a freelancer, you have to fight for your position in the industry. Besides a little luck, persistence is one of the key traits you need to succeed. However, most freelancers can feel out of place when they decide to take a venture in the freelance world. You’ve probably had a thought cross your mind … Read more

Late Payment: What I’ve Learnt from 80,000 Freelancers

In this post I’d like to share with you my list of the top four resources you can use to tackle late payment. It’s based on my own research, combined with the insight I’ve gained from working with our users (to date over 80,000 of them). I hope you’re able pick up some great new … Read more

Guide to the gig economy

The gig economy is the rising labor market that hires temporary, contracted workers instead of traditional employees. Companies are outsourcing tasks to already-trained, nonbenefited workers, and workers have a chance to work for multiple companies in temporary positions and quick gigs or to fulfill ongoing work. There are a lot of mixed feelings about the … Read more

Freelancing on the side: How to find the time to start a freelance business

Freelancing on the side is an appealing idea. But following your dream to freelance as a full-time freelance business seems too hard to do, so you stick to what pays the bills and keep your day job. Sound familiar? You do what needs done to get by, but does that mean you should shelve your … Read more

How to make a good first impression on a potential client

For freelancers, connecting with people can be difficult. However, creating a good first impression will help grow your brand, make a name for yourself, and help you to make money. With that being said, it’s important to be on top of your game when it comes to standing out to a potential employer. If you’re … Read more

5 Habits of Successful Freelancers

Freelancing is a wonderful path to follow. Indeed, is a hard path to walk on because shaping, ruling, and owning your whole life is something that few can do successfully. We live in a world where we’re accustomed to being led by someone because it is easier and more comfortable. As well, becoming a successful … Read more