The most important business writing skills for freelancers to improve today

What do graphic designers, web developers, writers, management consultants, accountants, and others have in common? First, many of them lend their skills to others as freelancers in their respective fields. In addition to this, they do much of their communication via writing. Because the self-employed often complete their freelance work remotely, they rely on emails … Read more

Why every freelancer needs an email newsletter list (and how to start your own)

Email marketing consistently delivers the highest ROI of any other marketing you can do for your freelance business. One thing that I wish I had known when I first started my freelance business was to start growing our email newsletter list from day one. When I started working hard on growing my freelance business, I … Read more

Mortgages for freelancers: Can you get a mortgage if you’re self-employed?

The process of applying for mortgages for freelancers and the self-employed can be challenging. Especially as mortgage lending criteria has not kept up with the changes in freelance work and self employment. The freelance community we spoke to have often found that a lot of mortgage lenders make it hard for freelancers to get a … Read more