An Infinite Shortage of Managers

Generative AI integrations appearing in common enterprise software that your organisation is likely already using.

Some thoughts on the real world by one who glimpsed it and fled

Here’s the text of a speech Bill Watterson gave at Kenyon College, Gambier Ohio, to the 1990 graduating class. SOME THOUGHTS ON THE REAL WORLD BY ONE WHO GLIMPSED IT AND FLEDBill WattersonKenyon College CommencementMay 20, 1990 I have a recurring dream about Kenyon. In it, I’m walking to the post office on the way to … Read more

Freelance Marketing Proposal Template [free example template to download]

This freelance marketing proposal template will give you the basics for getting a robust freelance marketing proposal in place for your freelance business. And there’s even a free example proposal template to download. When pitching to new clients, a freelance marketing proposal helps you present your solution, show your credibility, and name a price for … Read more

How to make a good first impression on a potential client

For freelancers, connecting with people can be difficult. However, creating a good first impression will help grow your brand, make a name for yourself, and help you to make money. With that being said, it’s important to be on top of your game when it comes to standing out to a potential employer. If you’re … Read more

Why plagiarism is a huge risk for freelancers and how to avoid it

Plagiarism simply goes by the concept of “stealing or copying someone’s intellectual property or product without giving them the credit and presenting it as your own work.” It is, of course, a bad and unappreciated practice worldwide. You can’t put your nametag on someone else’s property either it’s intellectual or physical, it would be considered … Read more

How CRMs help to effectively manage your business and customers

Running a business is no walk in the park, as it involves the management of the various aspects of a business in a perfect balance. These aspects include human resources, investment, promotion, time, finance, ideas, and much more. To efficiently run a business, there must be a synergy of business management and customers. As customers … Read more

My Privacy Plan

(Photo via Sean MacEntee) I’ve decided to come up with a privacy plan for myself. After hearing about the NSA’s surveillance scandals and now the details about Edward Snowden, the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations, I’ve been kicked into action. These events has got me (and several million other people) spooked by who is … Read more

Balancing the Positivity Around Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is a well-known concept for most people, thanks to sites such as Kickstarter. Headlines of consumer products, such as the Pebble, to films, apps and games getting funded – with no apparent downsides – are everywhere. So when I was asked to write a piece on the "negative" side of crowdfunding, which would be … Read more

Artificial Intelligence: Should Freelance Writers be Worried About It?

The tech industry has been quite active as of late. And while there is are uncounted tech releases that deserve your attention, the one type of tech that has the technology-inclined drooling over their shirts is artificial intelligence. And no, I’m not just talking about AI-powered smartphone cameras that seem to be sprouting like mushrooms … Read more