Shopify Review: Why you should be using Shopify as a freelancer

The advent of the internet and e-commerce has revolutionized the global market space. Every day we hear of success stories, from small businesses making a fortune to consummate e-commerce giants benefitting from their online stores. Apart from selling physical products, a web store can be used to sell digital products, appointments, consultations, intangibles and much … Read more

Guide to the gig economy

The gig economy is the rising labor market that hires temporary, contracted workers instead of traditional employees. Companies are outsourcing tasks to already-trained, nonbenefited workers, and workers have a chance to work for multiple companies in temporary positions and quick gigs or to fulfill ongoing work. There are a lot of mixed feelings about the … Read more

Best CRM for freelancers

We’ve scoured the CRM landscape to find the best CRM suppliers for freelancers in 2020, and below will explain everything you need to know to pick the one that’s right for you. Each system is cloud-based (so you can access them from any device, anywhere), and offer a free trial (letting you try before you … Read more

Pop Your Filter Bubble

What is the Filter Bubble? The whole Internet is rapidly being personalized. Nobody can predict what kind of Internet — what kind of world — will emerge when everyone has a unique view of the world that nobody else can share. Companies are aggressively pursuing personalization because it makes users happy. Personalization validates existing beliefs … Read more

Freelance Expenses: What costs can you claim for?

If you’re self-employed, your business will have various running costs. You can deduct some of these costs to work out your taxable profit as long as they’re allowable expenses. ExampleYour turnover is £40,000, and you claim £10,000 in allowable expenses. You only pay tax on the remaining £30,000 – known as your taxable profit. Allowable … Read more