What Jobs Do Freelancers Have in the Growing Ecommerce Industry

It takes a lot of good people for an ecommerce business to be successful. And by “people,” we mean those who deal with manufacturing, inventory, marketing, sales, customer service, and more. That’s a lot of work, right? And it also costs a lot of money. That’s the reason business owners prefer to hire freelancers to … Read more

How to create a profitable ecommerce business

Being an entrepreneur can be really satisfying. You get to make all the decisions and have no boss. What could be better? Things are even easier nowadays, when anyone can take advantage of the internet and start an online business, without investing too much. However, this can also be a challenge. When it comes to ecommerce … Read more

Top ecommerce trends in 2018

Ecommerce continues to expand in 2018 as more retailers and small business owners join the movement. Today, 11% of smartphone owners admit they shop online weekly, and this number is expected to grow. Although there are many benefits associated with the expansion of ecommerce, it is becoming more difficult for shop owners to stand out. … Read more

Philanthropy and Ecommerce

From those to whom much is given, much is expected. Philanthropic giving is an outstanding way of expressing your appreciation to the customer base providing the support your business needs to thrive and grow. What’s more, according to the Journal of Consumer Research demonstrating social consciousness gives your customers the impression your products are of … Read more

3 Customer Service Brands Whose Efforts You Might Want to Replicate

Satisfying customers might seem like an obvious objective of any business; however, the reality doesn’t always align. In e-commerce, a clear lens into how customer-focused a brand is can often be found how they take care of their customers. Does the company do the bare minimum or go the extra mile when servicing customers? Let’s … Read more

Shopify Review: Why you should be using Shopify as a freelancer

The advent of the internet and e-commerce has revolutionized the global market space. Every day we hear of success stories, from small businesses making a fortune to consummate e-commerce giants benefitting from their online stores. Apart from selling physical products, a web store can be used to sell digital products, appointments, consultations, intangibles and much … Read more

Shopify Review: Why you should be using Shopify as a freelancer

The advent of the internet and e-commerce has revolutionized the global market space. Every day we hear of success stories, from small businesses making a fortune to consummate e-commerce giants benefitting from their online stores. Apart from selling physical products, a web store can be used to sell digital products, appointments, consultations, intangibles and much … Read more

How to charge for your advice

I’m a web developer specializing in Shopify, and I’ve written a few blog posts and made some youtube videos that are gaining popularity. Now I’m getting at least 3 people a week emailing me with various questions – technical solutions, recommendations – for their specific situation. I used to answer this stuff via email for … Read more