Agency Worker Regulations (AWR): What is AWR?

Agency Workers Regulations aim to combat discrimination of people who work for employment agencies, by stating that agency workers should be no less favourably treated in pay and working time than their full-time counterparts, who do the same work. Similar to IR35, the guidance is designed to ensure fair treatment of contractors and freelancers, and ensure that … Read more

Mortgages for freelancers: Can you get a mortgage if you’re self-employed?

The process of applying for mortgages for freelancers and the self-employed can be challenging. Especially as mortgage lending criteria has not kept up with the changes in freelance work and self employment. The freelance community we spoke to have often found that a lot of mortgage lenders make it hard for freelancers to get a … Read more

10 Best Tools and Apps for Freelance Writers

The thing about freelance writing is that most of the time you have only yourself to count on. There is no office with a dozen other employees to whom you can run to when you encounter a problem. Thankfully, technology has given us something else besides an easier way to hunt writing jobs. It has … Read more

Losing key clients

Losing a key client can be a major setback for an agency or freelancer. Here is a contingency plan to minimise the impact of your pillar clients saying goodbye. Review the impact First, assess the impact of losing the key client. Analyse the revenue generated from the client and the potential revenue loss. Determine how … Read more