Shopify Review: Why you should be using Shopify as a freelancer

The advent of the internet and e-commerce has revolutionized the global market space. Every day we hear of success stories, from small businesses making a fortune to consummate e-commerce giants benefitting from their online stores. Apart from selling physical products, a web store can be used to sell digital products, appointments, consultations, intangibles and much … Read more

Freelance job trends

The new year always brings some exciting new developments in the freelance job market with it. Sometimes it’s tax cuts, news about internships, other times tax increases. New tech impacts the business world, and perhaps new freelance job opportunities have arisen?  Whatever the case, freelance job seekers have to try and stay in the know … Read more

Best CRM for freelancers

We’ve scoured the CRM landscape to find the best CRM suppliers for freelancers in 2020, and below will explain everything you need to know to pick the one that’s right for you. Each system is cloud-based (so you can access them from any device, anywhere), and offer a free trial (letting you try before you … Read more