Freelance Rates: How To Work Out Your Daily or Project Rate

Freelance rates can be hard to figure out and one of the main things people ask before they go freelance is how to work out their freelance consultant rate. Setting your freelance rates is difficult. Set your day rate too low and you have to work longer and harder to make a decent income. Set your … Read more

Leadership and mental health: "Bosses burn out too"

Interesting read in the Singapore Business Times from Anthea Ong, founder and chairperson of WorkWell Leaders, a non-profit collective of CEOs and leaders focused on championing workplace mental health and wellbeing. The key quote for me: "Employee mental health has never been given more attention by employers. However, experts say late-stage pandemic fatigue is also … Read more

Freelance Rates: How To Work Out Your Daily or Project Rate

Freelance rates can be hard to figure out and one of the main things people ask before they go freelance is how to work out their freelance consultant rate. Setting your freelance rates is difficult. Set your day rate too low and you have to work longer and harder to make a decent income. Set your … Read more