Freelancers and mental health

Whilst working independently has many benefits, freelancers occasionally feel isolated and alone, which can lead to a negative impact on their mental health and in turn have an impact on their work. Here are some statistics on freelancers and mental health: According to Epson research, 25% of freelancers have experienced depression and 21% of freelancers … Read more

Leadership and mental health: "Bosses burn out too"

Interesting read in the Singapore Business Times from Anthea Ong, founder and chairperson of WorkWell Leaders, a non-profit collective of CEOs and leaders focused on championing workplace mental health and wellbeing. The key quote for me: "Employee mental health has never been given more attention by employers. However, experts say late-stage pandemic fatigue is also … Read more

How can I be less lonely as a freelancer?

Lindsay writes: My biggest problem as a freelancer is… loneliness. I worked with a 25-strong team of talented young marine environmental scientists for 25 years. They challenged my every thought and decision along the way but I always felt proud and privileged to be a part of their professional development and their lives. After selling … Read more