9 tips on how to become a freelance video editor

Do you frequently take videos with your camcorder and then edit them yourself to post on YouTube? And after editing some videos, you find yourself being somewhat skilful in editing videos now. In case you need some additional income, you can offer your video editing services online. It is easy to offer video editing services … Read more

Video: the next big communications tool

Videos can be a powerful communications tool which can convey the messages of your organisation in a dynamic, genuine and engaging way. Social causes can benefit from video in many ways, including volunteer recruitment. demonstrating social impact by showing happy volunteers and clients, and as a promotional tool to raise money. With the rise of … Read more

8 Effective Tips To Launch Your Freelance Video Production Career

The world of internet freelancing has created a vast amount of unique opportunities for people all around the world. Online freelancing has made the world of work easier and smaller as experienced and knowledgeable individuals can now easily find freelance clients with those who are looking for their desired skill set. For many, it’s a … Read more

Video: the next big communications tool

Videos can be a powerful communications tool which can convey the messages of your organisation in a dynamic, genuine and engaging way. Social causes can benefit from video in many ways, including volunteer recruitment. demonstrating social impact by showing happy volunteers and clients, and as a promotional tool to raise money. With the rise of … Read more