The ultimate guide to fitness for freelancers

Working as a freelancer sounds liberating to most people. You can work at your own hours and on your own terms. But working as a freelancer has its own challenges. You will face many distractions. You will have to handle a lot of things other than the work. And your work life balance will seem … Read more

Social Innovation Camp – 5-7 December 2008

Social Innovation Camp 2 (The Revenge!) was an amazing experience – tiring, draining, seemingly unending, but fun, fulfilling and infinitely rewarding. Around 60 people descended onto 7 different ideas trying to make positive social change to bring them from the glint of an idea into a project that could be taken on past the weekend. The key idea … Read more

Freelance or employee: 3 freelancers illustrate which is better for you?

Have you dreamed of being a freelance writer? When you are an employee, the independence of a freelance life can sound liberating and adventurous, but is it a siren song? On the other hand, employee life has real benefits, such as regular hours, steady work and vacation, but does it imply living with a lot … Read more