Today is my birthday, here’s a present for you


Today is my 30th birthday.

Yes, I’ve reached the big three-oh.

I can already see wrinkles appearing by the minute…

To celebrate, I’ve been whisked away for a surprise trip and I’m writing this from the cosy bedroom aboard a boat. One of the advantages of freelancing is that you can take a trip whenever suits you and you can work while you’re there, if you’ve set yourself up for mobile working.

I’ll be writing more about travelling as a freelancer and how to make it work in the coming weeks. This year I’ve been to Japan, India, Germany, Spain , and the US, all while still running my freelance consulting business.

While I’m on this particular trip, I’m planning to put the finishing touches to my book, Freelance in 30 Days.

And to celebrate my 30th birthday, I’m giving you a present (that’s how generous a guy I am!)

From now until December 30th, I’m offering 30% off the normal book price. Simply enter the code ‘happybirthday’ when prompted.

That’s 30% off Freelance in 30 Days until the 30th to celebrate my 30th.

That’s a lot of 30s…

The book itself is being published later this week on December 19th, but you can preorder it now. And I’ll be sure to tell you again when the book itself has been published so you can get yourself a copy.

It would be a lovely birthday present if I could sell a few copies of my first book, but an even bigger present for you if you buy the book, follow the advice and then make the transition from employed to self-employed. That would be worth celebrating for me.

Ok, I’m off to open some birthday presents, but don’t forget – it’s 30% off Freelance in 30 Days until the 30th to celebrate my 30th (just use the code ‘happybirthday’).

Get it now!

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