The Jelly Reading List

Jelly is the new iPhone and Android app from Twitter co-founder, Biz Stone.

The basic premise is of “loosely distributed networks of people coordinating via Jelly to help each other.” Here’s their video to explain more:

I’ve been playing around with the app this morning and found the experience a mix of Instagram and Quora. You post a photo and ask a question to go with that photo. Other people can then answer your question and link out to sites that support their answer.

Playing around with Jelly, I asked “What are the essential sites or newsletters to subscribe to?”

I thought it would be useful to share the list in case there’s anything new, interesting or useful for you.

“What are the essential sites or newsletters to subscribe to?”

  • TodayInTabs: Your daily digest of the worst (and occasionally best) in tabs
  • Sidebar: The 5 best design links every day
  • The Buffer Blog: A blog about productivity, life hacks, writing, user experience, customer happiness and business
  • HypeBeast: An Online Magazine for Fashion, Arts, Design and Culture
  • Quartz (for the morning)
  • Nextdraft (for the evening)
  • IFTTT’s “10 Tech Things You Need To Know This Morning”
  • Econsultancy: Achieve Digital Excellence
  • HubSpot: Inbound Marketing
  • Imperica: Digital Arts & Culture
  • Benedict Evans  on Tech & Mobile
  • Marketing Profs

Got something to add? Let me know in the comments. Or better yet, leave an answer on Jelly.

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