Tell your freelance story and help others go freelance!


I’m starting up a blog series where I profile different people who’ve gone freelance, how they made the jump to becoming a freelancer and how they have found the realities of freelance life.

I get loads (well, quite a lot) of people asking how I went freelance and my recent how-to guide on how to be a freelance consultant went down well. The aim of this blog series is to help people like them get the confidence and the know how to do it for themselves.

But you’ll have a different experience to me and have tips and advice on how to go about going freelance that I wouldn’t know about. So why not join in tell your freelance story to the world?

I’ll let you plug your own freelance bits and bobs (website, twitter, etc) and you’ll get a nice link back and promotion across Twitter.

The first in the series is now live, so head on over and see what Ruth Walters from Let Her Eat Clean has to say about going freelance.

Ready to share your freelance story?

Simply take this survey to join in!

(P.S. Feel free to send on to other freelancers you know who might be interested in this)

Image by Grace Dobush.

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