How to Make Your Website More Appealing


It is a fact that websites with boring photos or too much text attract less traffic than those with exciting photos.

This is because the human brain is immediately drawn to visuals.

A person is more likely to connect to content that is visual as this leaves a lasting impression on them.

Actually, statistics show that a person will retain only 10 percent of what they read but will remember 65 percent of what they see.

If you want to boost the views on your website, here are some things you should do.

Analyse the website

Go through your website with a third-eye perspective and honestly point out the things that you find off-putting.

It may be the background photo, the colour, or even the font size.

There is a high chance that those who visit your website notice these things, too.

Look at the videos as well and analyse them visually.

Make sure they convey the message you intend to pass across. With the information that you gather after this exercise, make the necessary changes.

Reduce the text and replace that with photos that are intriguing and engaging. This will definitely help to attract people to your website.

Be consistent

Having great photos is not enough to improve your website.

Make sure the colours on all pages are the same.

At the same time, place your logo on a specific point on all pages.

This strengthens your brand and makes your logo more memorable.

The photos or text should pop up in the same way on all pages. Lack of consistency can be tedious to the visitor, making them prefer another brand to yours.

Check usability

It would be unfortunate if your website has the best graphics and has a consistent message but is difficult to use.

It is common for some people to mess with the usability of the page while focusing on the aesthetic value of the website.

To avoid this, keep your visitors in mind when making these changes.

Also, avoid changing the information too much even when you upgrade the page.

You can seek the services of a digital marketing agency to check the usability of your website.

Keep it simple

As with most things, simplicity is the key to a successful website.

A page that is full of clutter is immediately frustrating to the user.

A web visitor will feel more comfortable when visiting a simple website than one that is full of graphics and photos.

It is best to have a website that is easy for the visitor to navigate and understand the message that your brand is relaying.

Keep the images and graphics intriguing but focus on the clarity and the flow of the message.

Professional and experienced companies can help you find the balance between appealing and simplicity.

Assess your website today and consider these factors to make it better.

The more people visit your website, the more sales you make, hence, boosting your business.

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