How To Go Freelance


  • Do you want the freedom and flexibility that comes from being your own boss?

  • Do you want to be a creative and productive freelancer?

  • Do you want to build the confidence to finally go freelance?

How To Go Freelance is the book to give you the confidence to go freelance – and freelance successfully.

In the past few years, I’ve made made a successful career as a freelance consultant.

Plenty of my friends have made the leap to freelancing as well, all working in areas that may seem overcrowded and hyper-competitive, but they’ve each survived and thrived with their freelance business.

Many of them started, just like me, without a full list of clients. But they learnt the skills, got the knowledge and built up the confidence to go freelance – and so can you.

After hearing enough success stories about people going freelance, I can tell you that more and more people are getting to confidence to start their freelance career.

With a good area of expertise and the right attitude you can make a living from freelancing as well.

@benrmatthews I just read your get the confidence to go freelance article – it’s great and wish you’d written it earlier 😉

— Sarah Ross (@gipsyhill) August 19, 2014

Get the confidence and knowledge to go freelance now!


Pre-publication offer: Use the code ‘earlybird’ to get 20% off How To Go Freelance and be the first to receive the book when it launches. 


People say, “sure, this works for you, but…” Now I have over 14 really good ways to prove them wrong. With this digital edition of Authority we are including 14 detailed case studies on successful books that follow the Authority method. The total book revenue from these 14 case studies is over $230,000!

And that’s just a few of the success stories that were willing to share their sales numbers with you. There are many more who either we didn’t have room to feature or they wanted to keep their numbers private.

All that to prove that this method works for anyone who is willing to put in the work.


Neither am I. At least, not in the traditional sense. I don’t have a PhD in marketing or design and I don’t travel the world giving lectures–all things you would typically associate with experts. But I have designed a lot of websites and applications over the years and learned a lot in the process.

Plenty of people can learn from what I know about design and marketing. I’m not at the top of my field, but I’m also a long ways from the bottom.

Chances are there is a topic you know a lot about.

In fact, experts at the top of their field are often less qualified to teach than those who were beginners more recently, simply because those experts often can’t remember what it was like to be brand new in the field. Whereas someone who has learned the lessons and overcome the challenges more recently will have an easier time teaching at a beginner level.

No matter where you are in the learning process, someone always knows less about the topic than you do.

Finally, every successful person I know started before they felt ready. Embrace the fact that you aren’t quite comfortable and strive to become even more of an expert.


Despite all these benefits I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea and think going freelance is easy. Nothing could be further from the truth. But what easy things are actually worth doing?

If you take the giant task of going freelance, you’ll need to win your first client, deliver your first projects and get to grips with everything it takes to run your own freelance business. But carry on, improve and you’ll see that consistent progress every day, your freelance dream becomes attainable.

Slow consistent progress is the key to achieving any massive goal. Make a commitment to work on it every day – without skipping a day – and you will see freelance success much sooner than you expect.


Making money as a freelancer is wonderful—but it is only one benefit.

Working with the clients you want to work with, having the flexibility to work when you want, and having the freedom to work where you want are all common side effects of being a freelance consultant.


Building a following for your blog takes time. It’s especially difficult when you may not have a clear goal in mind for your blog. But products change that.

Just the act of writing a book—and giving readers a way to follow along—will make it substantially easier to build a following. In July 2012 I had just 100 RSS subscribers to my blog, two months later I had a $12,000 book launch. That’s all in one day. By using landing pages and blog posts to build an email list—and keeping the subscribers interested—you can build a profitable following in very little time. I’ll show you how to do it step-by-step.

With the right audience, a solid launch plan, a little discipline, and a lot of effort, you can make a living from your writing. Interested?


@benrmatthews I just read your get the confidence to go freelance article – it’s great and wish you’d written it earlier 😉

— Sarah Ross (@gipsyhill) August 19, 2014


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So who’s behind How To Go Freelance?

Hey, I’m Ben Matthews, a freelance digital consultant and author. In the last few years, I’ve been freelancing for clients including London 2012, American Express, the World Wildlife Federation and Harper Collins.

Through consulting with these fantastic clients, I gained the knowledge and expertise to be a successful freelancer, spelled out in How To Go Freelance.

My goal is to help others get the confidence to make the jump and go freelance.

I live in London, UK, but love to travel. You should follow me on Twitter (@benrmatthews).


You know, I want to make sure the book doesn’t get undervalued. It really is where I spent the most time and effort. The tutorials and interviews are very useful, but let’s not overlook the book itself. You will be referring back to the best practices in this book for years to come.

So, if a budget is an issue, I highly recommend getting the book by itself. You won’t regret it.

BUY NOW FOR $19 / £10


  • How To Go Freelance (PDF)
  • 160 pages of solid advice on planning, writing, pricing, launching, and profiting from your book.
  • 14 Freelance Case Studies
  • Learn from successful freelance who implemented the tactics in How To Go Freelance with amazing results!
  • ePub and Mobi Formats
  • How To Go Freelance is also included in ePub and Mobi formats for easy reading on your Kindle or Nook.
  • How To Go Freelance Audio Book (coming soon!)
  • Professionally recorded and produced, narrated by the author. Listen to the book in the car or at the gym.



  • Where can I learn more about you?

    I have over a hundred posts on covering freelancing, marketing, and consulting. Go read through the archives to learn more about my methods and past projects.

  • What if I hate it?

    Well, hate is a strong word… But if you hate the book, I don’t want your money. Just reply to your purchase receipt email within 30 days and I will issue a refund.

  • You didn’t answer my question.

    That’s not a question. 🙂 If you still have questions after reading this page please get in touch and I will do my best to answer them.

  • BUY NOWR $249

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