Getting started as a freelance

Getting started as a freelance can be hard, but I’m here to help you.

If you’re new here, this is what I believe in:

  1. Every year, thousands of people have the confidence to start their freelance career. You can do it too.
  2. You can have the flexibility and freedom that comes from running your own freelance business – and enjoy it.
  3. You can make a decent income from your freelance business – often much more than your previous job.

How To Go Freelance is a place to get excited, inspired and absorbing insight into what it takes to go freelance, attracting your first clients, standing out as a freelancer, and building a valuable pipeline of new business for your freelance consulting business.

Getting started as a freelance

For new freelancers, getting new clients and keeping them happy is a key challenge, alongside the day-to-day business and other aspects such a finance, project management and more. These posts emphasise advice and guidance on being a happy and successful freelancer.

  1. The Ultimate How-To Guide to Become a Freelance Consultant
  2. Freelance Consultant Rates: How To Work Out Your Hourly, Daily or Project Rate
  3. How do you achieve work life balance as a freelance?
  4. Where do you work best? How to find the perfect freelance work space for you
  5. Finish freelance projects on a high with these 8 client pleasers
  6. How to win new business pitches as a freelancer
  7. 28 tips from freelance job sites that you can use to be a successful freelancer
  8. The best online accounting software for freelancers and small business

How I Went Freelance

A series of interviews with freelancers, telling us their stories on how they went freelance. The aim is to help others who are thinking of becoming freelance learn more about what it takes, as well as get advice and inspiration so they can get the confidence and understanding to find out if freelancing is right for them. If you want to take part in the series, simply head here to tell us your freelance story.

  • Ruth Walters, Let Her Eat Clean
  • Matt Collins, Charity Chap
  • Ross Wintle, Oikos
  • Sam Phillips, Freelance Digital Strategist
  • Damien Clarkson, Social Chic
  • Nick Nicolaou, Freelance Web Designer
  • Art Anthony, Freelance Copywriter
  • Sean Hargrave, Freelance Journalist
  • You?

Digital Life

Like most people these days, I live a lot of my life online. From social media, to productivity, to collaboration, the digital tools and services we have access to come with lots of benefits but also with lots of challenges. These are my articles on living a good digital life – and how to balance that with living in the real world.

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