Freelance PR Consultant Q&A: Katie Moffat, PR and Social

This is the ninth in a series of interviews with freelancers, telling us their stories on how they went freelance. The aim is to help others who are thinking of becoming freelance learn more about what it takes, as well as get advice and inspiration so they can get the confidence and understanding to find out if freelancing is right for them.

If you want to take part in the series, simply head here to tell us your freelance story


  • Name: Katie Moffat
  • Freelance Area: Social media strategy & training, copywriting, digital marketing
  • Freelance For: 10 years
  • Website:
  • Twitter: @katiemoffat

What made you decide to go freelance?

Having a child and not wanting to go back to work full-time while children were very small.

What steps did you put in place before you went freelance?

Um, nothing really, I’m more of a leap before you look person. Also 10 years ago it wasn’t really obligatory to have a website or whatever, which I’d say it is now.*

How did it feel before you went freelance?

I was slightly worried that I’d miss the office banter and working as part of a team but the nature of PR meant that I was out about fair bit, in addition to always being on the phone. This was pre-twitter remember, seems another world now.

How does it feel now you are freelance?

I’ve worked for myself for so long that I can’t imagine being a salaried employee now.

Very occasionally I see a job that tempts me but the flexibility of working for myself outweighs any negatives.

What are the positives of freelance life?

Flexibility, variety, control.

What are the negatives of freelance life?

Cash flow, sometimes not getting to work really at depth on something, not working with others in an office (but twitter replaces that for me now anyway).

Any advice for others looking to go freelance?

Contacts are really important, build up (through twitter/Linkedin or whatever) a really good network.

In 10 years of working for myself around 95% of my work has been through recommendation and word-of-mouth.

Also, it’s not as financially scary as I think some people believe. I always take the view that you never know what’s going to happen tomorrow anyway, even in salaried employment.

*Yes I know my website is old and unloved looking, a new one is in the works honest.


Thanks for taking part, Katie, and for sharing your tips and advice. Make sure to check out her website at and follow her on Twitter at @katiemoffat. 

If you want to take part in the series, simply head here to tell us your freelance story.


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