Freelance info you need for Massive Monday


Today is #MassiveMonday, the most popular day of the year for people looking for a new career, according to Metro and the Times. For many, Massive Monday is a time that they seriously think about going freelance and they’ll be looking for freelance info to help them make the jump to freelancing.

If you’re thinking the same, then you should use your Massive Monday to get the ball rolling. But what is freelancing actually like? And how do you find work, win clients and get paid?

To get to the bottom of what it’s actually like to freelance, PolicyBee ran a survey of 2,000 freelancers. Here’s what they found:

  • 17.3% revealed they had problems with accounting or other paperwork
  • 41.8% of our freelancers had experienced problems finding clients at some point.
  • Two thirds of freelancers spent more time at work than their full time employed equivalents.

That’s a lot of challenges.

To help address these challenges, I’ve pulled together the best articles on freelancing in the past year, containing tips, ideas and advice from some of the best of the best from the freelancing world.

[yellowbox]Want to go freelance but not sure how? Take my 7-day course on going freelance, delivered free straight to your inbox.[/yellowbox]

Win more clients

  • Freelance Consultant Rates: How To Work Out Your Hourly, Daily or Project Rate
  • Find freelance work quickly as a new freelance consultant
  • How to win new business pitches as a freelancer
  • 28 tips from freelance job sites that you can use to be a successful freelancer
  • How to Get the Work You Want
  • 5 Unconventional Ways To Attract More Clients
  • A (Proven) Freelancer’s Guide to Growing Your Business
  • The Power of Free Design: Why You Should Do Pro-bono Work
  • How One Cold Email Landed Me A $15K Consulting Project

Retain great clients

  • The Email Line That’s Client Repellant
  • How Better Customer Service Attracts and Retains Better Clients
  • Our Secrets for Success, Working with Clients and Staying Current
  • What do You do When a Client Doesn’t Pay?
  • Finish freelance projects on a high with these 8 client pleasers
  • When freelance projects go wrong, keep calm and communicate
  • Less freelancing, more consulting: how adding value leads to added income

Generate recurring revenue

Freelance tools and services

General freelance info

  • How To Network Online as a Freelancer
  • User onboarding: not just for HR and growth hackers
  • What to Remember When You’re the Boss
  • Say What You Think
  • Don’t Hide Behind My Rules. You Have One Priority
  • How do you achieve work life balance as a freelance?
  • Freelance Statistics 2015: The Freelance Economy in Numbers
  • Where do you work best? How to find the perfect freelance work space for you

That should be enough freelance info to get you started in 2015!

Got a link you think would be useful for others? Leave it in the comments below and I’ll add it to the list.

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