5 Essential Skills Freelance Content Writers Should Have 

Being a content writer accompanies some extraordinary advantages. Depending on your position, you have the liberty of working from home or going to a coffee shop nearby. Besides, you choose the subjects to write about, and you have control of nearly everything that you do. 

That said, freelance content writers should understand that it takes consistency and dedication to make a living as a writer. You should also find well-reputable platforms where you can source jobs. For reliable content writer jobs that suit you.

Here are five skills that every good content writer should have. 


Endless creativity 

While some people tend to be more creative than others, in content writing, being inventive comes as an added advantage. You should have access to an endless list of content ideas and topics and have the knowhow of handling different subjects. You should also have the capability to brainstorm new methods and reach out to targeted audiences. Good writers don’t struggle for content writer jobs

As a freelance content writer, you ought to be an intrinsically inventive person who experiences no difficulty conceptualizing and writing on various topics and ideas. Your capability should cut across a wide variety of niches depending on the needs of your clients. Non-creative content writers wear out rapidly. 

The content you write ought to inspire individuals to make a specific move. Before you can achieve that, you need to realize how to present your content before the correct group of audiences. Content writers should also have an interest in marketing to avoid unintentionally setting themselves up to fall flat. 

They should also have the capacity to make simple logos, infographics, and images to earn more. 

Good Editing Skills 

To be a great writer, you have to be an even greater editor. Freelance writers have got to go through their work before publishing thoroughly. Despite the fact that writing is your key responsibility, you ought to likewise have great editing aptitudes. 

The quality of your articles gets compromised when you don’t eliminate grammatical and spelling errors. Exceptional editing skills is a must-have requirement for any freelance writer who wants to make it in this industry. 

Building up your capacity to edit written works by other people is also an added advantage in content writing. You may also think of taking a proofreading or editing course. This will guarantee that you acquire extra proofreading and editing skills. To supplement your freelance writing earnings, you need to bring to the table what no other freelancer is offering. This way, clients will be willing to pay a little extra for your skill. 

Networking Skills 

Not many freelancers think that they need to network to scale higher in the industry. Freelance writers operating in solitude are commonplace because many have a hard time finding time to socialize. 

As a freelancer, you should make an effort to connect with fellow writers because networking is one of the key approaches when it comes to linking potential customers. Even though majority freelancers find work through suggestions, referrals as well as through word-of-mouth, networking has a bigger influence on the above. 

You don’t have to get stressed though, since not every kind of networking must be face to face! Attending conferences and events offers an ideal way to network. Internet-based sites and networks like LinkedIn can be incredible for getting jobs and linking with new customers. 

Exceptional Research Skills 

Every freelance content writer has to acquire exceptional research skills to deliver credibility and value to clients. Even though the internet opens you up to unlimited sources of information, you’ve got to learn how to use them without lifting other people’s work.

Clients will always choose unique and useful content over SEO patterns. Furthermore, your target audience won’t be in a position to discover your content if it’s not well written. No one wants to suffer through a poorly written article when there are many other sources they can turn to. 

As a content creator, you need to create SEO-friendly content by naturally pacing competitive keywords throughout your write-ups. Another thing is to stay abreast of the latest changes Google has made to its algorithms. Since readers have to interact with search engines to get to your content, you should strive to rank high on SERPs.

To boost your productivity, you need to find time management apps that help you stay focused. Turning in an assignment too late reflects badly on you as a writer. Dependable freelance writers readily access jobs because their reputation precedes them. 

Deliver Quality & Meet Deadlines 

Every assignment comes with a deadline you need to meet. When you send in an assignment on time, it demonstrates proficiency on your part. You need to manage your time well and make sure you take chew more than you can swallow. 

Each time you are unsure about the client’s instructions, ask them to clarify so that you don’t mess up the project. It would be such a waste of time to get a revision from the clients when you could have asked for further clarification before tackling the assignment. 

Each time you’re communicating with the client, make sure you keep everything professional. Edit your messages to ensure you don’t send anything with grammatical errors.

A lot goes into creating ready to use the content. Beginner writers are usually surprised to find out that editing takes much more time than composing. When you’re estimating the time you need to finish a task, make sure you factor in the time it takes you to polish the work.

Since, as a freelancer, you’ll not be working in a traditional office set up, you need to learn how to eliminate distractions when you’re working. Time flies by so fast, and if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself always rushing to finish projects last minute.

To be a great writer, you need to establish a good work ethic. It’s quite hard for many to take work seriously when they don’t have a boss breathing down their necks. Freelancing is a lucrative field, but you have to put in the work. Each time you give a client your word, make sure you deliver. 


As a freelancer, there are essential skills you have to cultivate to soar to greater heights. Understand that there so many other content creators out there competing with you for clients. 

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