Choosing a Shopify theme<\/span><\/p>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>\nAs mentioned earlier, Shopify offers a wide range of templates (themes) to choose from; you\u2019ll never have to worry about finding an amazing theme for your store regardless of your market specialization.<\/span><\/p>\nBe sure to browse through the hundreds of templates with a keen eye on the demos to find one that reflects the value of products on your Shopify store.<\/span><\/p>\nRemember, the key to<\/span> <\/span>choosing an appropriate theme<\/span> that suits your online store is looking past the aesthetics; you also need to consider other crucial factors like its load speed and whether it supports all the key functionalities you\u2019re looking for in a store.<\/span><\/p>\nAlthough Shopify templates are categorized by markets, the best approach to choosing one is testing out as many demos across these markets as possible to find one with the right functionalities and key usability features.<\/span><\/p>\n\n- \n
Creating Shopify Collections, Tags and Filters<\/span><\/p>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>\nAfter customizing a Shopify template to your needs, it\u2019s time to start thinking about the products you will be importing into your web store. <\/span><\/p>\nThe first step here is to iron out your collections tagging options, filtering choices, and product types.<\/span><\/p>\nThis makes uploading the products easier and consistent.<\/span><\/p>\nShopify collections (categories) are a very powerful tool in your web store when created carefully.<\/span><\/p>\nA collection provides two options for adding your products – manual importation for a small inventory and automatic which works best for a large inventory.<\/span><\/p>\nTo add products to your collection automatically, you\u2019ll need to set some conditions.<\/span><\/p>\nConditions are simple case sensitive statements that may take the form: \u201cProduct Type X is equal to Accessories Y\u201d.<\/span><\/p>\nThis way, any product of type X added to the store automatically falls into a category of accessories named Y.<\/span><\/p>\nConditions are not limited to product type; they can also be based on price, vendor, inventory, tags, color, size, and so on.<\/span><\/p>\nThese are incredibly important when creating filter options for products on your collections.<\/span><\/p>\nPlanning your Shopify collections, tags and filtering options in a spreadsheet will make the process much easier. Remember that consistency is the key when creating collections and adding products to your store.<\/span><\/p>\n\n- \n
Shopify Shipping Options and Strategies<\/span><\/p>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>\nOne final tip \u2013 it\u2019s important to determine your<\/span> <\/span>shipping strategies<\/span> early enough or else it will be a roadblock to launching your Shopify store.<\/span><\/p>\nUnless you are dealing with pure digital services that do not require shipping, you need to start figuring out the shipping methods to use the moment you start building your store.<\/span><\/p>\nReach out to various shipping agents, discover their rates, and choose one or several that best suit your customers\u2019 needs and locations.<\/span><\/p>\n\n<\/span>How Shopify helps your freelance business stay competitive<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\nE-commerce has brought a lot of transformation in the modern business world.<\/span><\/p>\nFrom global trade and vast catalogues to secure online payments and instant communication with clients, businesses can leverage the internet for unlimited growth.<\/span><\/p>\nMillions of people continue to shop online and this has contributed significantly in the growth of the e-commerce market.<\/span><\/p>\nIf you\u2019re a freelancer looking to edge out your competition and exploit new opportunities, you certainly need to learn and implement e-commerce as soon as possible.<\/span><\/p>\nThis is one of the most effective ways of modernizing your business while also keeping up with the changing market demands – and Shopify is the platform to help you stay competitive.<\/span><\/p>\n