Visual CV or infographic as a Job Application

I made a Visual CV for a job application a few years ago – scroll down to see the full infographic!

When applying for the role of Head of Comms at FutureGov, I knew that the job posting would attract a lot of interest and high quality applications. Indeed, there ended up being several dozen people applying for the job.

I needed to make my application stand out.

Yes, I made sure to have a top notch CV, Covering Letter and References. But I wanted a little something extra to put my application on top of the pile.

I thought to myself, “How can I create something to catch their eye? To show myself as a great communicator who is up to speed with the current trends?”

Having looked at the skills needed, I jotted down how I met those needs next to each one. I then had the idea of creating an infographic to demonstrate how I was right for the job.

Having discussed with idea with graphic designer Paul Carpenter, he suggested creating a simple two-Colman graphic, a call-and-response view of why I was perfect for the job.

Below is a the final result. More of a “Visual CV” rather than an infographic, don’t you think?

It seemed to work anyway, as I got the job!

Hopefully by posting it here it will serve as an inspiration for other job hunters out there to add a little extra to their job application, especially in a tough and competitive jobs market like the one we are in now.

Want to create your own Visual CV? Take a look at these free and easy services offered by Visually and Vizify.

What do you do / have you done to stand out when applying for jobs and freelance work? Let me know in the comments!


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