Toolkits, guides, and resources on advocacy and campaigning

A list of toolkits or resources for people that are new to advocacy and campaigning, or organisations that are considering starting work in this area.

The Changemakers’ Toolkit

The Changemakers’ Toolkit this year especially for those new to advocacy and campaigning. Totally free with lots of using resources and tools.

Beautiful Trouble

The Beautiful Trouble / Beautiful Rising toolkit – the latter has many global South specific examples and tactics, but is harder now to access online.

Commons Library

The Commons Library includes 1000+ educational resources in a range of formats. Topics include campaign strategy, community organising, working effectively in groups, justice and diversity, creative activism, and much more.

Visit the Browse page for an overview of topics, formats and collections.

Blueprints for Change

Blueprints for Change is a network of anti-oppressive organizers from around the world, that share their skills and knowledge to support the work of fellow activists.

Blueprints for Change (BFC) was founded in 2018 by a volunteer collective focused on compiling campaigning and organizing field experiences to create written ‘how-to’ guides for the use of their fellow progressive activists.

They continue to host their guides here as well as the compiled Manual that contains all the guides we produced up till November of 2019.

The Rules Toolkit

The Rules have developed a method and toolkit to help social movements bring about narrative and structural change. They call it Culture Hacking.

Learn the story of Culture Hacking

Read the Case Studies from The Rules

The Culture Hack Method as a process in which we intervene dominant culture narratives from an anti capitalist, anti patriarchal, anticolonial stance through questioning, analysis (discourse analysis, network analysis, content analysis), de-codification, recodification, and creative intervention.

Bond’s Theory of Change for Advocacy and Campaigns

Working in advocacy and campaigns, we all want to influence change. But is what we’re doing really contributing to the change we want to see?

Using a simple theory of change approach can help you to make the connections between what you’re doing and the change you want to see.

Story Based Strategy

The Center for Story-based Strategy cultivates imagination spaces where story, grassroots leadership, organizing, and democracy are interwoven strategies to build power.

Advocacy and campaigning blogs

Tom Baker:

Natasha Adams:

Beth Kanter:

Chris Rose:

Global Voices:


Duane Raymond:

Advocacy Hub:

LSE’s Polis blog:

Guardian: Poverty Matters blog:

And of course individual campaigning organisations such as Action Aid:

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