Sponsored posts and guest articles

I happily accept sponsored posts and guest articles, and I’m PR-friendly. Email me in the first instance at [email protected] and we can chat about your needs.

Here are some general guidelines:

  • Content must be original and not published elsewhere
  • Content theme must be related to freelancing, marketing, running a business, travel or general digital life. If you’re not sure if your article fits, please get in touch and I’ll let you know.
  • Don’t send me the complete article straight away – it’s best to send me a few ideas of what the article would be about and how it fits with the themes of my site
  • If you’re placing content on behalf of a client, please let me know who the client is
  • I also need a named author to assign the guest post to. This can be a simple one-line bio but I need to make it clear that I haven’t written the article.
  • I retain editorial control of the content, but I will run the final post past you
  • Guest posts will be marked as such in order to comply with UK legislation.

Here are the different pricing options:

  • Supply your own words and written content – £150
  • In-depth product, software and app reviews – £400

Sound good? Email me at [email protected] and we can chat about your needs.


Enjoyed my content and want to say thank you?

You can send me money via PayPal.

Anything else? Please contact me to discuss.

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