How to get started as a freelancer

hey what’s up guys this is your boy Daniel and you are watching beginner touch and in this video I’m going to tell you how you can make money online without paying a penny okay you can do it for free and you can make a lot of money okay so I’m going to tell you ten different ways of making money online and the process that I use to make money online when I when I started working so I’m going to show you each and everything and I’m going to I will give you tips and tricks how to get started and how to make money online okay so if you are working full time anywhere you can make side money and you can make you can start it as a full time if you are a freelancer so I’m going to start with upward and upward is a pretty popular website for freelancers I worked on up work and I made a lot of money with that and you can try that out if you are a programmer or a web developer or Android developer you can sign up and you can get services as you can see you can if you are a designer or a writer or if you are a blogger you can also provide your services you don’t need any special skills if you don’t have any special skills you can do sales and marketing customer service agents or residual assistants there’s a lot of things going on on upward and you can also hire freelancers if you have any work or if you need any help in your business or if you are not a businessman if you need any help with anything you can hire freelancers on a very cheap rate so you can always go ahead and sign up it’s totally free and you can put your portfolio on that or you can show your skills and people come and people hire you or you can go on to different projects and you can do the bidding and I will make a video series for that where I will show you how you can do bidding and get more projects and you can make a lot of money so you can make you can sign up on up work the second thing is the fiber it’s it’s pretty similar with upwork you just need to sign up with this it’s totally free as you can see same thing you can make graphic design digital marketing music and audio different kind of stuff and on Fiverr you can just define your hourly rate and people come and hire you you don’t have to do any buildings or any kind of stuff so you can sign up and you can assure yourself onto your profile and once you will get more projects you will get good ratings or and more status on Fiverr and people will come and hire you and they will give you more money for doing their projects so the next thing is the Jui deme udemy is pretty much popular in these days and I saw a lot of people making so much money on udemy even if you are not a programmer or a software developer there is no need to worry about you can just go ahead and make any course ok so if I go on to udemy calm let me go to the G let me calm and you can see even if you are not a programmer you can make different um courses on different categories as you can see body language for entrepreneurs and if I click on it as you can see it’s just this lady is selling this in just ten dollars and you check out the students it’s twenty one thousand four hundred and sixty six students enrolled in this course and just multiply ten with twenty one 466 and you will get the number okay so this course has 4.5 ratings and all you have to do is just make a little video series on any topic and you can sell this on udemy it’s so simple okay and you can make money so the next thing is the inverter market and this one is pretty simple if you are a web developer or designer or software developer you can always go up and sell web templates so this is my web template that I sell at $17 and I made 28 sales so it’s not that much but still is it makes me money so something is better than nothing so um you can always go to or if you want to make plugins you can go to code Canyon it’s a product of in model market you can sell code snippet or plugins on code Canyon as you can see this guy is selling this banner ads in 13 dollars okay and you can even use video hive or audio jungle it’s if you are a musician or if you like to work with music and other stuff you can go to audio jungle and you can sell music and audio tracks okay so if you are a designer or a photographer you can go to graphically or photo unit or you can just take pictures and you can sell it online it’s pretty simple you can sign up on in model for free and in model take some Commission on each sale so you can take 60% and in waddle take 40% but still they got a million of people coming onto their website and people start to sell their stuff so you can do that next thing is the Amazon and it’s pretty big ok last year Amazon sells more than 3 trillion dollars product on Amazon as you can see there is a lot of people selling different kind of stuff and I searched for socks ok it’s pretty simple and people are selling these in 10 to teen dollars as you can see and let’s just jump on to this or let’s just give let’s just check this out as you can see this guy is selling different kinds of socks okay and he is selling it into nine from nine to thirty two dollars okay and for just a single pair and as you can see it has eighteen hundred and seventy ratings so if you even do multiply in nineteen thirty nine seventeen with this rating you will get the number and people are selling in millions and it’s a very profitable business and if you don’t have any skills you can always go and sign up on Amazon and you can sell it on Amazon and there is a Amazon Prime you can just ship your products to Amazon distribution center and they will ship your products and they will just take a little commission on each sale so it’s pretty simple and you can make money a lot of money on Amazon so if you don’t want to sell physical products you can always go to Amazon affiliate it’s pretty simple you just have to give reviews of other people’s product onto your blog or website if you are adding a blog or if you’re having a youtube channel or if you are having a website you can give reviews of different products onto your website and people if people click on those links that you provide it on to your website and you will get 10% commission on each sale so it’s pretty simple and easy you don’t have to sell anything physically you just give reviews and you make money so the next thing is domain renting or domain sale so I open go you can buy any domain with any domain and you can rank that domain or you can sale that domain so a lot of people look for different kind of domain names and if you have that doe name sorry the name I’m sorry domain name you can always rent that domain on a monthly basis or you can sell that domain so I saw a lot of people doing renting on a domains it’s just like properties and you can make so much money with that okay so the next thing is the social media marketing you can do that on Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube there’s a lot of different social media platforms you can create a page and once you will create a page you can I will show you how you can get thousands of followers in a week okay I will show you I will make a video and once you will get a good following you can go ahead and ask small businesses to do their social media marketing onto your page so so the followers on your page will be able to see different advertisements on to your page and you can do conversions for your clients and you can make so much money with that so another thing is the blogging okay bloggers makes a lot of money as you can see this is a simple website which is calm but they have millions of people coming on to their websites every day every single day millions of peoples are coming on to this website and all you have to do is you have to make some put some Google Adsense ads onto your blog and as you can see this is an advertisement there was an advertisement on this top and if I go down you will see another advertisement of cars so you can see if somebody clicks on this advertisement this blogger will get money okay so it depends on the CPC weight and I will show you how to do SEO and what are the SEO rate so as you can see there is a lot of blogging going on on this website and as you can see this guy is doing advertisement on the right side and it should be on the bottom of the page let me show you that oh my god this is this blog is too big let me go on to my home page and I will go on at the word bottom I can’t see that ad but as you can see it’s it’s showing ads on the right side you can put ads on the top at the bottom or on this left or right side and you can make money somebody clicks on your ad and you make in and you will make a lot of money that this last thing is the you deal which is my favorite rap platform you can create your own channel and if you are if you are having any skill if you know how to cook or if you know how to play a guitar there’s a ton of different things you can make videos on that and you can make so much money so you can put advertisements on to your channel and when people come and see your see your videos they will see the advertisement first and if somebody clicks on it you will get money from that advertisement and it’s not too much it’s like um ten cents on each click and if you got 1,000 views you will get one dollar it’s not too much but if you have a bigger following if you have a hundreds of thousands of followers and it takes some time and if you can pull that off and if you make if you are Mabel to make so many followers you can definitely make so much money from YouTube so these are the ten ways of making money I’m going to show you more ways of making money so I will show you how you can do domain rent or how you can sign up on upward how you can make youtube channel how you can do social media marketing so I’m going to make a video and you can see and you can learn that and you can go ahead and sign up and make money online so it’s pretty simple you just need to subscribe to my channel and I think that’s it for the day guys and hopefully I will see you guys like them but

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