How to cope with email chaos and benefit from professional email platforms

According to the stats, over a third of the global population uses email and the number of the available email accounts has exceeded 5 billion. That means that the world now lives in the era of digital communication – a trend that’s only destined to grow.

No matter what reasons lie behind the trend, we’ll continue to increase the number of emails we send, like it or hate it.

Email is a large complicated system, distributed among email providers, internet protocols, and users’ clients like Gmail. Like any other huge system, email will have to move to an even larger complexity, which will create a growing number of random events.

In the future, email will appear even more chaotic than it does now, through a failure to manage expanding email flows.


More messages means more email chaos

Unless you refuse to use email completely, you will receive more and more “trash” messages.

In such a situation, the only method remaining for recipients to resist the mailing chaos is to neglect many emails reaching their inboxes.

Ignoring irrelevant messages, you can easily make it a habit of marking emails as spam – even if those emails are not spam at all.

This should be a wake-up call to email marketers whose business depends on the deliverability of emails.

Both the open rate and conversion will go down when recipients are unable to distinguish the spam messages from legitimate emails.

What measures should the email marketers undertake to protect their recipients from the approaching bulk mailing chaos?

The following expert advice from the professional bulk sending platform SendPulse can help you get a grasp on the issue.

How to cope with email chaos

Let’s consider three most annoying email-related phenomena along with the “antidotes” to them.

What do we hate most of all about emails? How does it relate to the growing total number of emails circulating worldwide? And what do email marketers do with all of this?

Each “mailing bugbear” has an implicit chaotic nature that should be managed by both the understanding of their real reasons and the advantages provided by the professional bulk sending platforms.


Spam Email

Spam is marked by 81% of the recipients as the biggest problem they face checking their inboxes.

It’s not too easy to measure the actual number of spam messages reaching our mailboxes every day.

However, the number is tremendous in any case, since the number of the existing email accounts is calculated in billions.

Just imagine what huge amount of energy the humankind spend every day for nothing when billions of spam messages appearing in our mailboxes are to be deleted.

The psychological explanation of why the majority hate spam is quite simple: spam messages are not personal. They are for everybody and for nobody at the same time.

Spam creates disorder

In most cases, spam has nothing to do with what we are interested in – spammers hope that the subjects they promote via spam messages can occasionally catch the attention of just a tiny percentage of the audience.

Needless to say that such a practice has an extremely low efficiency, if any, unlike the significant disruption spam creates for us.

Should email marketers categorically refuse spamming at all?

Of course, they should – especially since the contemporary bulk sending platforms provide them with much more efficient and legitimate approaches and techniques.

This is not so much a matter of ethics, more of the effectiveness of email campaigns.


Personalization eliminates spam

Email customization is the main method to prevent your email messages from being marked as spam.

Make your message personal addressing your recipients by name. People appreciate the personalized approach to email communication even if the subject of a message can stand quite far from their current interests.

SendPulse offers various capabilities making email campaigns highly personalized including the efficient processing of user bases where names of the recipients are listed through the correctly organized opt-in procedures.


Irrelevant emails

So-called irrelevant emails are different from the pure spam, but they constitute a secondary problem only by size.

About 66% of email recipients suffer from the irrelevant emails regardless of the particular content the messages contain.

Even though the types of the irrelevant emails may significantly vary, quite a significant part of them relates to the inner correspondence between staff and their teammates.

According to some surveys, about half of workers communicating via email receive only 20%  messages that are truly relevant to their working day.


Irrelevant promotions destroys reputation

Another big class of the irrelevant emails belongs to the conversation between brands and their customers.

Promotional email campaigns sent by brands without regard for the actual interests of their consumers can significantly tarnish the reputation of those brands.

 And the opposite approach to sending irrelevant messages is to use professional sending systems such as SendPulse, which offer trigger emails.


Trigger emails are highly relevant

Trigger email campaigns are highly relevant to customer interests because of the very optimal algorithm used.

Trigger emails match the actual behaviour of customers on the ecommerce sites and websites, which determines both the content and timing of the messages created in reaction to the customers’ actions on those sites.

The Automation 360 system provided by SendPulse allows email marketers to customize their campaigns to a great extent, as well as to arrange automated mailing flows according to the trigger events made by the recipients.  


Dealing with delayed response

Yet another email-induced problem relates to the mailing process that is particular to some types of messages.

The problem can be called “untimely feedback” or “delayed response”, showing the annoyance factor resulting from the unsatisfied expectations due to various interruptions happening in a peer-to-peer email conversation.

We feel frustrated when our recipients do not reply. That’s why 48% of the people actively using email consider a long wait for a response a big problem.

The situation gets worse when it comes to email marketing.

When subscribers do not receive a welcome email just after the opt-in procedure they can easily lose confidence in the brand from which they want to either receive newsletters or get some preferences.


Care about your customers

In these days of severe market competition, every company has to fight for the attention of each customer.

The above-mentioned personal approach to email conversation implies collecting as much information from the recipients as possible.

That’s why email marketers must appreciate every piece of data received from the customers when they react to the email campaigns.

In addition to the response-provoking content of the emails, the very mailing process should be arranged in a manner to let customers know that a brand cares about them all the time.

A series of post-subscription welcome emails, for example, can significantly increase a customers’ loyalty and show a brand as a dynamic, responsive, and responsible partner.


Immediate reaction matters

Properly arranged automated mailing flows react immediately to every action the subscribers perform on a website, which is an effective method for increasing the customers’ satisfaction since the delayed feedback from a brand is managed.

A sufficient level of automation necessary to meet the customers’ expectations is achievable only with the help of a professional sending platforms like SendPulse.

The flexibility and responsiveness of feedback-provoking campaigns – such as welcome emails and abandoned shopping carts emails – are provided by the advanced features of the Automation 360 system, developed esepcially for making transactional email flows smooth and immediate.


Whatever happens next, email communication will remain an inseparable part of contemporary business and social environments for the foreseeable future.

The billions of existing email accounts, along with a highly complicated email infrastructure, creates email chaos – leading to a negative user experience.

The most annoying factors include spam, irrelevant messages, and delayed responses. Both the average email user and email marketers suffer from the inability to deal with those chaotic factors – unless they use professional sending platforms, such as SendPulse, which provides them with the highly-effective tools and techniques to manage their mailing flows in a flexible and responsive manner.

The Automation 360 system is one of the best existing solutions specially designed for various transactional email campaigns having anti-spam and feedback-provoking features – helping you to avoid email chaos.



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