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The web development sector is booming, and it provides extensive opportunities for a freelance developer to enjoy the work and earnings. You love to become a freelance developer, and it is the reason why you are here. You better know that there lies tight competition in the freelance web development sectors that prevent you from making a smooth entry and winning clients. Even though there is no boss or manager to control you in freelance working, it is really important for you as a freelancer to remain motivated and disciplined.
Here are some of the best tips we know on how to grow and become a successful freelance developer.

Know how to spot the right clients
Most of the present day developers love to work as freelancer to enjoy real freedom. It helps you work from your home or any of the favorite places. A good start is so important and is the reason why everyone searches for the tips on how to become a successful developer. This is one of the important tips to start with. It is so important to find the right client with well-defined goals, principles and core values that motivate and drive them in the industry. Post your portfolio in genuine places where reputed clients search for the freelancers to avoid any of the bitter experiences.
Develop a unique proposal template
Do not copy a proposal template and make the changes for your clients. A unique proposal certainly helps you to stand out from the crowd. It should focus on the specific challenges faced by the client and how well you can solve it with your knowledge and experience. Make a good study of the offers and understand what the client exactly needs. Make a note of the exact problem that is to be solved and do good research to provide a unique proposal that creates a valuable client for you.

Don’t focus on the tech, focus on the right solutions
Keep in mind that the client pays you for the solution and not for the services. Provide the services as you committed with the latest tools and technologies. Make sure that the solutions are rich with every factor and feature to provide a good experience for the client and targeted audiences. Make use of your efforts, talents, and creativity to its maximum to make the work something different from others and make the client feel it. This is one of the best things you can do from your end to increase the volume of projects and clients.
Stick to your freelance goals
Never forget the goals that inspired you to work as a freelance developer once you get a project. Always remember those factors and goals since they act as the best form of motivation and inspiration and help you a lot in personal brand building. This is the best way to stay connected with the valuable clients and create your own space in the freelance platform among others. Never lose the thrill once you get a project and it is the reason why most of the freelancers yet remain as XYZ in the field.

Share your success stories
Once you have completed your project successfully, and the client is happy with the solution and services, share your story with others. Even though it is not of top priority, it is really beneficial in different ways. Present day clients show interests in spending some time on the success stories of the freelancers before selecting them. Sharing the story is one of the best ways to promote personality to the targeted audiences to make deep connections.
Learn to say no
It is really tough to say no when you were offered with a project. But keep in mind that better opportunities will come mostly at later stages in freelance sectors. So, don’t take everything thrown at you to keep yourself engaged. This prevents you from taking a better opportunity when it knocks at you. Don’t be too occupied and always have some bandwidth for better opportunities. Hence, select the opportunities wisely to keep yourself engaged without more tensions.

Understand the importance of your health
Health is the best form of asset for freelance workers. Most of the freelancers keep them packed with several projects to have sleepless nights in the beginning. This is not good since good health is essential for freelancers. Try to limit your working for around 8 to a maximum of 10 hours per day instead of 15 to 16 hours. This helps you to stay in freelance sectors for an elongated period. Good sleep is extremely important to start the work with a fresh and energetic mind in the next day morning.
Manage your freelance finances well
Time and life can change very fast. So, try to achieve financial freedom to become a successful freelancer in real sense. Some freelancers lose their sincerity once they are paid for the first project. Never get overexcited with the first payment and go for a mass celebration. Treat your freelance work as your favorite job and show real commitment. There is no doubt the more you respect your work, the more will be your returns. Save as much amount as you can with perfect finance management.

Enhance your non-technical skills
You need more than your technical skills to become a successful freelance developer. You need to enhance your non-technical skills to build a good relationship with the existing clients and invite the attention of new clients.
Some of the most important non-technical skills for a freelancer include:
- communication skills
- negotiation skills
- delegation skills
- problem-solving skills
- marketing skills
- time management skills.
Don’t worry about early mistakes
Early failures help in the overall development of a freelancer. It teaches you about the usual mistakes and teaches how to avoid it in future projects. It is said that early failure makes the best way to long term success. So, expect failure at any time and don’t be bothered about it. Leave it and try to give your best in the next project to start gaining success.
Conclusion: How to become a successful freelance developer
These are just some of the easy to follow tips that can make you a successful freelance developer in the freelance field.
What are your best tips on how become a successful freelance developer? Let us know in the comments!
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