Reviving My Inbox (or, Email Resurrection)

I’ve just finished the Revive Your Inbox programme from Baydin, “a 21 Day course to help you restore email sanity”.

“Invest 20 minutes a day for 21 days. Revive Your Inbox is designed to reduce the amount of email you receive and learn to deal better with the ones that matter.”

The benefits of good email management are obvious:
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Eliminate the causes of email anxiety
  • Enjoy more free time

I’ve always been quite good at managing email – one thing a good PR person needs to be great at, which is doubly true now I’m freelance and don’t have colleagues to chase me when I haven’t answered a message or just a quick nudge to say “can you get back to the client on that?”

Lots of the tips, tricks and process I already have as part of my daily routine, but there were plenty of useful tips and exercises that I’ve learnt and am now sticking to as well. Even just doing the first 4 or 5 days will make a big difference to your inbox.

You can sign up to Revive Your Inbox here or below is the complete list of courses if you feel like picking and choosing ones that sound best for you.

Give it a try – it might just make you believe in email again!

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