Ben creates spaces for people to make positive social impact


I’m a digital generalist, impact-led founder and agency leader.

I’m the co-founder of an agency called Empower.

You can read a bit more about me yonder.

Here’s what else I’m up to now.

Contact me hither.


Here’s what I generally write about, for better or worse.

I keep a list of every post I’ve ever written, which is mainly for me to keep track in posterity. But if you want to see the list, it’s all here.

The posts with the most views according to analytics. High views does not always equal high quality.

  1. How To Work Out Your Hourly, Daily or Project Rate
  2. Japan on a Budget for 2 Weeks
  3. Freelance Statistics: The Freelance Economy in Numbers
  4. How to Become a Freelance Consultant
  5. How much should social media freelancers charge?
  6. Register your freelance consulting business in the UK
  7. Havana, Cuba in one week: budget travellers’ guide
  8. How to write a brief and what to include
  9. How to clear the Twitter Card cache to show the right image
  10. Find freelance jobs online with these freelancer job sites

Recent Posts

The posts published most recently, in descending chronological order. Mainly used to highlight how infrequently I manage to publish, despite good intentions.


Links to connect with me elsewhere, if you feel compelled to.

Twitter (X?) / LinkedIn / Github / Empower blog