Why Freelance? Flexibility, Freedom and Additional Income

Why freelance? Well, freelancing is one of the best methods to earn extra cash, and with the information gathered by Zeqr in the infographic below, it’s almost certainly going to convince you to try it.

Although you’ll face competition when applying to certain jobs, Zeqr strongly advise you not to give up.

Some of the freelancer stats you’ll read about below include a drastic increase in the total number of US freelancers – more specifically, we’re talking about at least 2 million people more who decided to give freelancing a try.

Of all the freelancers out there, more than 63% say their choice to work part-time and remote jobs is not because they were forced to or because it was a necessity, but because they wanted to just give it a shot.

As a full-time freelancer, you will be looking at less stress and relaxation by working wherever you choose to – whether it’s your own household, or a caffe.

An average freelancer spends 36 hours each week working for their client(s), whereas traditional workers spend 40 hours (excluding the time it takes to travel back and forth).

Another interesting fact is the rather high rate of freelancers who quit their full-time jobs in order to seek freelancing opportunities.

A staggering 22% of freelancers made the transition, hoping for more freedom, higher monthly salaries, and indulging in better projects.

Half of all US freelancers say there isn’t an amount of money high enough that would convince them to go back to traditional 9 to 5 jobs.

It’s encouraging to note that there are over 55 million freelancers working in the United States at this very moment.

The latest studies confirm that the number stated above basically means 35% of the entire US workforce is participating in the 1 trillion dollar freelance economy. That’s more than a third of people who are eligible to work in the US.

Lastly, what is it that freelancers say when asked what makes them feel better when freelancing?

Approximately 80% of people say that in comparison to traditional work, they feel more respected, empowered, and engaged to work for their far away clients in the cloud. You surely can’t get that info from pretty much any full-time worker.

So, since freelancers are often able to earn more money than they would with a full-time employment, what is your opinion on freelancing? Are you ready to freelance like a king and embrace the uprise of this trend in 2017?

Why Freelance Infographic



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