Communicating the Future, Guv


So, it was December 2012 and I was travelling in South America (La Paz, Bolivia, to be exact). And I was on the interwebz, checking Twitter, as you do. And I saw a job post for a company called FutureGov.

The job was for Head of Comms, which sounded good to me. The skills required were things like PR, Social Media, Blogging, Events – all of which I can do. Plus it would be working on projects that do social good, a lot of social good. Which I loved.

So I applied. And promptly forgot about it all as you are likely to do when travelling around such an amazing continent as South America.

And then I got an email. And then when I got back to the UK from South America, I had an interview. Then I was told I had a job.

Say hello to the new Head of Comms at FutureGov.

I started at the role this week and can honestly say it’s been as fantastic and exciting as expected. Not only do I get to work on interesting projects such as Casserole Club and Patchwork, but I also get to work with a bunch of passionate, clever and sociable people. And Dominic Campbell.

I’m already getting my mitts stuck in deep to the good stuff at the heart of FutureGov, learning a lot as I go, so expect to see and hear more from me over the next few months.

If you need to reach me or desperately buy me a coffee/beer to get the lowdown on all things FutureGov, email me at [email protected]

Look forward to hearing from you.


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